
sexta-feira, 29 de junho de 2012

E lá se foi metade do ano!

And there went half of the year!
The first half is gone. Flying!
And now we must face the other half.
Face all the risks that life plays on us ...
Courageously facing the challenges ...
We will maintain full clarity ...
Let the path always together because we need help...
We shall overcome successfully all the tests to come...
Very calmly and prudently...
Always attentive to the vagaries...
No wasting time with people who do not care about you...
Never cover someone's love ...
Love is giving!
Also remember to have fun, smile because it is necessary...
Redo The soul!
Cooperate with each Other...
Explore, go ahead…
Discover, learn, learn...
It is very important even curiosity, because with it develops our knowledge...
Know that any difficulty and sorrow,endure together...
We believe that we can go far. Too Far!
We can fly...
Takeoff for success ... It's up to us!
Anyway, I wish you the rest of the year, results have
 May your beautiful dreams are all performed...
For you and everyone you love.

Good Night ... Good Day!

Happy weekend ...

Obs: Teresa Colombara Vaz, este trabalho devo a você por que é teu, meu é nosso. É para todos, pois a mensagem é linda!
Muito Obrigada, pelo seu amor e carinho. Te amo como uma filha ama sua mãe. 
Mil Beijos!!!

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