
sábado, 31 de dezembro de 2016

Feliz Novo Livro 2017 "Happy New Book 2017"

Happy New Year 2017!

The book...

When this year began, he was all hers.
I could do whatever I wanted ...
It was put in your hands ...
It was like a blank book, and in it you could have a poem, a nightmare a blasphemy a prayer.
Today she can not, she's not yours anymore.
It's a book already written ...
 This book written by you will one day be read to you, with all the details, and you will not be able to correct it.
It will be out of your reach.
Before this year is over, consider ...
Take your old book and leaf carefully ...
Let each page pass through the hands and consciousness;
Do the exercise of reading to yourself.

Read everything...
Appreciate those pages of your life in which you used your best style.
Also read the pages you would like to have never written ...
Do not try to pull them out.
It would be useless ...
They are already written.
But you can read them as you write the new book that will be delivered.
So you can repeat the good things you wrote,
And avoid repeating the bad ones.
To write your new book, you will retell the instrument of your free will, and you will have it, to fill the whole immense surface of your world.

If you feel like kissing your old book, kiss it.
If you feel like crying, cry over it, then put it in the hands of the Creator.
No matter how you are ...
Even if you have black pages, deliver and say only two words:
 Thank you and Forgiveness !!!

And when the new year arrives, you will be given another book, new, clean, white all yours, in which you will write whatever you wish ...
"And if I still make mistakes for too much, for loving too much, for trying to be too happy ..."

Happy New Book.

Angelica Vaz

Este vídeo foi me enviado por uma amiga no meu Facebook, Márcia Cristina Silva, achei a mensagem maravilhosa, desta forma compartilho com todos vocês.
Tenham todos um "ANO NOVO 2017 "com saúde, prosperidade, sucesso, boas energias, alegrias, união, amor, compaixão, perdão e com coração aberto para serem felizes!
Beijos, em todos!
Feliz Ano Novo!!!!

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